TESLAW Journals
A collection of journals dating back to 1990
The State Bar of Texas Entertainment and Sports Law Journal (“Journal“) is published biannually and delivered free via email to all Section members. The Journal’s mission is to provide current practical and scholarly literature to Texas lawyers practicing sports or entertainment law, in an informative and interesting format. The Journal typically contains cutting-edge articles of developing issues in sports and entertainment law, written by leaders in the field. Many law libraries subscribe to the Journal. The Journal’s current editorial board consists of: Erin Rodgers Editor; and, Stephen Aguilar, Associate Editor.
The Journal’s founding corresponds with inception of the Section in 1990. The first issue, Vol. 1, No. 1, was published in December 1989 with Ronald Kaiser, who taught at Texas A&M University, as the first Journal editor. Mr. Kaiser served as Journal editor for 11 issues, through Volume 4 No. 2, Winter 1995. Beginning with Volume 5 No.1, Winter 1995, Sylvester Jaime became editor and helmed the Journal for fifteen years, and 38 issues, through Volume 20 No.2, Fall 2011, developing the Journal’s reputation as one of the finest in the nation. In 2011, the Section began publishing the Journal electronically, responding to Section member preferences and to reduce costs and paper usage. Craig Crafton succeeded Mr. Jaime as Journal Editor beginning in 2012. Mike Farris served as Editor in 2014 and Joel Timmer took over as Editor in 2015. The Journal is published twice per year around the Section’s annual Entertainment Law Institute (ELI) and the Section’s Annual State Bar Meeting.
The Journal seeks to include articles of interest with law review quality content. However, not being a law review, the Journal appeals to a broad base of readers with a flexible presentation. Combining both sports law and entertainment law in one publication, article topics are varied and touch on all aspects of law as applied to sports and entertainment.
Authors range from student writers to law school professors to attorney practitioners.